The meaning of the WORDs: "COMPARE AND CONTRAST."

Compare and contrast essays can be very easy to write since they permit you to show everything you know about two particular events, subjects, themes, works of literature, etc. However, the question that is really important is, if compare and contrast essays are that easy, then why do students have trouble writing effective essays?

The reasons for this may be the poor formatting and organisation of the paragraphs and the use of excessive descriptive details. In this article, we will provide some useful techniques you could use when writing great compare and contrast essays.


We suggest starting with your understanding and planning. As an author, you should be able to determine the place you would like to start. Begin with a sketch or mind map, even if you're writing a timed essay under the circumstances of an exam. A well-organised essay is much more convincing to your reader that you know the subject matter. When you are organising your thoughts, be aware that the contrast and comparison sections do not have to be equal in length. However, you cannot write a complete essay consisting of only contrasts since this is not in line with the requirements for an essay. Consider brainstorming three or four comparisons and three contrasts. When brainstorming in each one of the areas, try to provide examples from earlier work when possible. This can make the writing process much simpler once you start.

Inevitably, there will be some connections and contrasts that you think are very strong and some connections that exist but might be fewer convincing arguments. You're likely to stick to strong arguments. However, if you are trying to reach the word count and have to include the weaker arguments, make sure that you place them on the inside of the essay in a place where they can be surrounded by the strongest arguments.


Continue to talk about the organisation of an essay on contrast and comparison. There are two different ways to approach the essay. You could write the first portion as an argument (or perhaps it could be a contrast) and, for the second portion, write an introduction and discuss contrast (or contrast). The advantages of this kind of method mean that you should concentrate on making clear assertions with the help of both works of literature. The idea is to make an extremely strong argument at the beginning, telling the reader that these works of art have lots in common. Then, you take your reader on a trip that allows readers to understand that even though both works are alike, they are not necessarily identical, hence the necessity to draw a contrast.

As you have seen numerous times, there are a variety of ways to compose essays. Another approach you could employ is to start by writing the compare and contrast paragraph first and then continue with a paragraph about contrast. This is an especially effective method to use when you're arguing for a specific theme when certain aspects of the subject are similar between two works yet different in other aspects. This method also prevents repetition and keeps your reader's attention on the specific topic you're trying to convince them of.

The structure of an essay on compare and contrast is crucial, and so too is the structure. When writing this type of paper, you're still seeking a strong sentence structure that communicates the message of the paragraph to the reader. However, unlike a typical paragraph, which would follow the subject sentence with a specific example that is useful when writing the case of a compare and contrast essay, it usually seeks two examples that demonstrate the contrast (or the contrast). The biggest issue with this is that the sentences can be quite lengthy. If you're writing your own essay, you can limit your paragraphs to one page (typed and doubly spaced) or around 250 words. Anything more than that can confuse the reader.

Then, you also need to take into consideration what the final sentence of the compare and contrast essay is like. You have probably concluded your paragraphs with a comparison of some type and are leaving your reader with the idea that the two items you're comparing are not very alike. It is crucial in the final paragraph to make it clear to the reader that, in fact, you have proved that there are similarities as well as differences between the literary pieces. Although you do not introduce some new facts, the goal in your concluding paragraph is to make the reader aware of the most important facts and your most persuasive argument. You have already made an argument at the start of your essay. So, when you write the conclusion, you will show that what you said, in the beginning was true.

Essays on compare and contrast are fun for many reasons, but the most important reason is that you can show your knowledge of the subject you are writing about. Be aware that it is important to stay organised when you write your essay. The idea of creating an outline or mind map is strongly recommended, even when you are taking an exam that is timed. Make sure you back your claims with evidence whenever you have to and don't overload the audience with too many suggestions. End with a conclusion that concludes your arguments in neat packaging, showing your reader that you do not only believe in your arguments but that you are able to provide arguments that are clear and rational to back up your arguments.

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If you are struggling with essay writing, seeking expert help can be a game changer. It can be difficult to know where to start and how to structure your essay, which is where an experienced writer or tutor can step in. Getting expert help can provide you with the guidance you need to improve your writing skills and enhance the quality of your work. From brainstorming ideas to perfecting the final draft, an expert can offer critical feedback and provide you with the tools needed to succeed. Whether you need help with a specific assignment or want to improve your overall writing ability, getting expert help can give you the edge you need to achieve your academic goals.


