Legal Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in the legal system are often found in published works such as books, court records, and law reports. Everyone who reads a legal document will be able to comprehend what is being presented in writing with the help of a common set of abbreviations, like the like the Cardiff index to legal abbreviations. This is a very important reason why having a common index of legal abbreviations is very important. If you want to attend law school in the UK, you should become proficient in the abbreviations used in each legal report as quickly as possible. We have complied our own index to legal abbreviations below:
AC Appeal Cases (LR)
All ER All England Law Reports (LR)
BCC British Company Law Cases (LR)
BCLC Butterworths Company Law Cases (LR)
CA Court of Appeal (G/JB)
CE Council of Europe (G/JB)
Ch Chancery Division Cases (LR)
Ch App Chancery Appeal Cases (LR)
Ch D Chancery Division Cases (LR)
CL Current Law (J)
CLI Current Legal Information (J)
CL Cambridge Law Journal (J)
CLP Current Legal Problems (J)
CLR Commonwealth Law Reports (LR)
CMLR Common Market Law Reports (LR)
CMLRev Common Market Law Review (J)
Conv Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (J)
Cr App Rep Criminal Appeal Reports (LR)
Crim L Rev Criminal Law Review (J)
Crim LQ Criminal Law Quarterly (J)
EAT Employment Appeal Tribunal (G/JB)
ECHR European Court of Human Rights (G/JB)
ECJ European Court of Justice (G/JB)
EG Estates Gazette (J)
EHRR European Human Rights Reports (LR)
EHRLR European Human Rights Law Review (J)
ELJ European Law Journal (J)
ELRev European Law Review (J)
Env LR Environmental Law Reports (LR)
ER English Reports (LR)
EWHC High Court
EWCA Civ Court of Appeal, Civil Division
EWCA Crim Court of Appeal, Criminal
FLR Family Law Reports (LR)
FSR Fleet Street Reports (LR)
HL House of Lords (G/JB)
IRLR Industrial Relations Law Reports (LR)
JBL Journal of Business Law (J)
J Crim L Journal of Criminal Law (J)
KB King’s Bench (LR)
Lloyd’s Rep Lloyd’s Law Reports (LR)
LQR Law Quarterly Review (J)
LSG Law Society Gazette (J)
MLR Modern Law Review (J)
NLJ New Law Journal (J)
OJ Official Journal of the European Union (J)
OJLS Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (J)
PC Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (G/JB)
PL Public Law (J)
QB Queen’s Bench (LR)
SJ Solicitors’ Journal (J)
SLT Scots’ Law Times (J)(LR)
SLR Student Law Review (J)
Soc L Socialist Lawyer (J)
TLR Times Law Reports (LR)
UKHL House of Lords
WLR Weekly Law Reports (LR)
YB Eur L Yearbook of European Law (J)