How to Get a
Training Contract
A Guide showing YOU How to Get a Training Contract
If you are looking for a guide to show you how to get a Training Contract, then take some time to read this. Most firms they look to fill their training contract placements two years in advance. If you have not secured a training contract and already graduated from the LPC or SQE, get in touch and we will build your repertoire and get you working in the job you have been trained to do. I have taken some time and dedicated a page of my website to help students understand how to get training contract.
The training contract
In the legal profession, a training contract is a two-year placement in a law firm that serves as the penultimate step on the path to becoming a solicitor. Training contracts are popular among graduates from a wide range of fields, not just law; approximately half of trainee solicitors received their degree in a subject other than law. During a training contract, also known as a period of recognised training, trainee solicitors have the opportunity to put their newly acquired skills into practise. If you work full time, it will take you two years to finish. Some companies offer part-time training contracts (making it accessible to candidates with childcare obligations).
structure of the training
The trainee will rotate between a variety of 'seats,' which are typically six-month assignments in four different areas, and will receive training in each. A few companies require candidates to work in a specific department or seat, whereas others simply ask for your preferences. In order to assist you with any questions you may have and assign you duties, you will be assigned a supervisor. Aside from that, there is the possibility of client secondments, where you would spend one sitting with a client of your firm. This allows you to gain confidence in your abilities by taking on your own tasks, as well as network and gain a better understanding of what the legal customer is looking for.
the procedure
What is the procedure for obtaining a training contract? You must submit a separate application to each firm. Unlike to the case of barristers, there is no central portal from which to make multiple applications. As a result, aspiring solicitors must tailor their applications to each firm where they wish to work in order to succeed. The competition for good training contracts is high. In addition, commercial solicitors are highly respected and well remunerated professionals. Throw in the fact that the demand for training contracts far outstrips the supply of very talented graduates, and it becomes clear that obtaining training contracts is challenging. So how to get training contract?
How hard is it to get A training contract?
yearly applications
Every year, there are approximately 5,500 training contracts that become available. According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 33,235 students completed a legal degree in 2018/19, with 12,755 having completing a postgraduate degree and 20,480 completing an a first or undergraduate degree. It goes without saying that not every law graduate will be interested in applying for a training contract. Some will seek a career as a barrister, while others will pursue a career in another industry; nonetheless, some non-law graduates will also apply for training contracts in the legal field.
Apply at the right time
In legal education at the university level, one of the difficulties is the failure to inform students of the importance of securing a training contract before graduating. As a result of the fact that students studying law can apply for a training contract as early as their second year of study and that they can continue to apply every year if they are unsuccessful in their first attempt, it is estimated that 30,000 students apply for 5,500 training contracts each year. You have an 18.3 percent chance of being offered a training contract based solely on the numbers you have.
what is more diffuclt?
If you think it's difficult for potential solicitors, wait till you see the statistics for the Bar. Becoming a barrister is far more difficult, since the number of pupillages available each year is significantly smaller. When I speak to future lawyers approximately half express an interest in entering the Bar. Many will likely change their minds once they learn how oversubscribed this area of the profession is, but even after a certain number has lost hope, there are still far more applicants for pupillages than spots available. Training Contracts are by far easier to get.
SQE or LPC graduate and how to get training contract?
Some law students already enrolled in the LPC will be looking for work following their graduation and question so how to get training contract, is a relevant one. In September 2021, the Solicitors Regulation Authority implemented the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE). While new entrants will still require two years of qualifying work experience, this requirement will no longer be limited to traditional training contracts. This is a positive step, as many organisations are aware of the tight competition for training contracts and believe that if a candidate is not a good fit, there are ten other fresh applicants who will do the job. Numerous smaller businesses hire trainees without establishing a defined training framework or offering supported training in the traditional sense. Candidates must now adopt the same approach, knowing that if things do not work out, they have other options for completing their training.
Working for up to four different organisations will be accepted as work experience toward meeting this requirement. These organisations include paralegal work, traditional training contracts, a placement as part of their sandwich degree, and volunteer work with either a student law clinic or Citizens Advice, all of which will count toward meeting this requirement. If you are applying for a two-year training contract with one law firm, you might also complete six months of pro bono work in your university's law clinic before beginning an 18-month paralegal internship. While many law firms will continue to provide training contracts in the meantime, this will enable you to finish your qualifying legal work experience while staying working at your current firm. Although this does not show you how to get training contract, it a is a new method of getting qualified as a solicitor.
How to select a training contract provider?
It is recommended that you conduct some preliminary research on a firm before applying, including visiting its website, speaking with former and current trainee solicitors, reading news stories about them, and looking at what they do on social media. I can assist with this because I know where a person can submit an application and where they can gain the necessary experience. I myself am frequently approached by solicitors who ask me to take on work or a specific case and I am able to make use of a trainee in this endeavour. There are a variety of factors to take into consideration and the types of questions you should enquire about include:
What is the quality of the training you will receive?
Which location would you like to work from?
What practice areas interest you?
What type of clients do you want to help?
Where are there partnership opportunities?
How much will you be paid?
What is the size of the firm?
What is the working culture like?
Vacation schemes
You might think that your odds of winning are attractive at 18.3 percent. You are on the right track to earning a good degree, and you have a strong set of A-levels to back you up. The twist is that law firms are increasingly hiring trainee solicitors from their vacation scheme intake. This is beneficial to both parties because firms can see that the student is capable of completing trainee level work after only two weeks of work at the firm, and the student can determine whether or not the firm is a good fit for them. I have known students to take a gap year to work in the legal industry before they embark on the LPC now SQE. As a result, you will meet people from different walks of life and by cooperating with others you learn another critical skill necessary for aspiring solicitors that firms want to see.
That is why it is so important to have a vacation scheme in place because even firms that do not hire exclusively from their vacation scheme will still take a significant number because that is the entire purpose of a vacation scheme for the firm: it allows them to find and hire talent before the talent is snapped up by their competitors. Using your university summer vacations to travel around the world with your friends and attend a few festivals may seem like an appealing idea, but for those of you who are serious about entering the legal profession, a vacation scheme strategy is absolutely necessary. Contact me for assistance for creating a covering letter or advice making applications and to answer questions about where, when and how. I have a very high success rate in getting law students into work.
What are law firms looking for?
As previously stated, because the demand for training contracts outstrips the supply, law firms are able to set high standards for their trainee solicitors in terms of both academic and cognitive requirements. In order to be considered for a position in law, you must be on track to earn a 2.1 at the very least, supported by A and B grades at A-level. The ideal candidate is a first class student. It makes no difference which university you attended as long as you can demonstrate that you were among the top 5 percent of your class. I can assist students in achieving a first-class grade average, or if you graduated with a 2:1, I can assist you in developing your legal work experience portfolio.
Additionally, firms will want their trainees to demonstrate an exceptional level of commercial awareness. What exactly does this imply? This requires you to understand how a law firm operates as a business and how the broader market and economy will affect theirs and, more crucially, their clients' businesses. Businesses are also on the lookout for effective communicators. Law can be extremely technical and sophisticated, and your customers will want you to express answers to their difficulties clearly and coherently. Additionally, they want you to be a team player. Trainee lawyers collaborate in departments with other trainees, associates, and partners, as well as with other firms and clients across borders and time zones.
When to apply for a training contract?
Use your time
Since most law firms plan to fill their training contract placements two years in advance, apply by May or June of your penultimate year (if you are a law student) or in your final year (if you are not a law student) of your undergraduate or graduate studies. In general, it is preferable to take action sooner rather than later. The earlier you submit your application, the more time you will have to customise your submission. Not only are you expected to study law and and get high marks but they want you to have market experience at the same time. If you have not already secured your training contact, get in touch and I can help.
Adhere to the application deadlines
The majority of training contracts at City and national corporations expire on the 31st of July. Due to the possibility of last-minute changes, it is recommended that you double-check particular websites to be assured. Additionally, a number of businesses have set their deadlines for May or June a little earlier. While some companies recruit for training contracts on a rolling basis, others invite candidates for interview before the formal deadline has passed. As a result, applying as soon as possible is a smart idea because it ensures that you are covered in case something goes wrong.
Can you get a training contract with a 2:2?
It reduces the scope for you to choose where
It can be difficult for those with a high 2:1 to obtain a training contract, and it is even more difficult for those with a lower degree classification to obtain one. If you have extenuating circumstances for your 2:2 or third and there are a certain firm you want to work for, contact them and explain your position. They will likely to be understanding. Tell them about anything you have done outside of the classroom, whether it is over the phone or in your cover letter, such as legal work experience, involvement in a university club, or any pro bono work you have done. Explain what you accomplished and the skills you got as a result of your experience. Otherwise, you will have to complete your training in a law clinic or a high-street firm and then work your way up to a city firm after gaining post-qualification experience (PQE).
not magic circle firms
While Magic Circle firms are most likely out of the question, medium-sized and high-street firms should be considered. However, these are not a simple alternative, and you will still need to demonstrate your ability to match the demands of the work even if you do not have a 2:1. It's doubtful that these companies will promote their training positions, so ask for the name of the recruiter or human resources manager and send a speculative application outlining why you want to work at the company and what you can give them. Whatever you do not become discouraged if you receive a 2:2 or a third. While grades are crucial, they must be matched with other qualities such as teamwork, efficient communication, and commercial awareness in order to be truly effective. All of these requirements go hand in hand.
Improving your chances to get a training contract
Know the firm
Employers are looking for evidence that you have done your homework, understand what the company does, and understand how you will fit into its culture. The most effective approach to accomplish this is with a tailored cover letter that details which specific parts of the organisation attract you. Always make sure that everything you write can be supported by evidence, as you may be asked about it during an interview. You have to ultimately sell yourself and you need to learn how to do this. Contact me to discuss.
The perfect CV
This goes hand in hand with a flawless CV and application form that is grammatically accurate, contains no spelling errors, and contains all of the information asked. I can check your application to ensure perfection. I can help you fill your CV with pro bono work. While this will not be a decisive factor in whether or not you are offered a training contract, it will undoubtedly assist you in getting to the interview stage. Make sure you double-check everything and have me or someone else read it over before you submit it. Let get started.
how I can help
With so many applications, it will come down to what you have done to make yourself stand out from the crowd. If you have participated in a vacation programme, be sure to include a description of what you did and the skills you obtained - especially if it was at the same company as the one you are applying to. If you believe you are deficient in expertise, you should seek out opportunities to gain some hands-on experience. Contact me. I can help you set this up. Find out more about how I can help with the drafting of legal CV, cover letter and prepare you for questions you might be asked at a law interview.
More experience will get you qualified
try and try again
If you do not succeed the first time, keep trying. This is something of a catch 22, with no experience who will give me a chance? You have to start small and work up into the place you want to work. With a good university and good results, you get to jump the queue. If there is only one location you want to work, please contact me and we will work together to make it a reality. There is no reason why you cannot reapply the following year, but you must make the most of the time available to you now to strengthen your CV before then. One method of accomplishing this that has been discusses is through the use of vacation plans. This provides you the opportunity to examine how a law company operates, if the position is right for you, and it also allows the business an opportunity to get a sense of who you are as a person.
What are the Alternatives
The SRA now accepts applications from students who can demonstrate that they have completed the requirements of a 'period of recognised training' through an alternative method of learning. You may be eligible for admission if you have legal work experience that has allowed you to develop knowledge and experience in three different areas of law, has been supervised by lawyers or others with relevant expertise, and has helped you to achieve the Practice Skills Standards. Alternatively, you might engage in pro bono work, which will help you enhance your legal abilities while also providing you with real-world examples to draw on during training contract interviews. I have tried to give you some idea of what to do to make yourself more marketable, but I have not told you everything I know. To find out more, get in touch.
Book me if you need career advice or help getting a Training Contract which is the final stage of training to be a Solicitor or if you need help with how to get training contract?