City Law Firm
Everyone is aware of the critical nature of interviews for any job. This is particularly true in the legal profession, where hundreds of candidates compete for a limited number of vacant positions and training contracts, or pupillages. The interview, or series of interviews, may help you stand out from other applicants, hence increasing your chances of landing that dream legal job - or, if you are ill-prepared, they may help your rivals stand out from you!
It is so critical that you be well-prepared for your City law firm interview with companies and Chambers. Think about the questions you will be asked along with the answers to help you maximise your prospects in this setting.
Assessment centres assignments
City law firms are now using assessment centres to compare the performance of several applicants at the same time. They are now a fairly typical aspect of graduate recruiting. An assessment centre is a series of exercises and activities designed to determine your employment fit. You will have the opportunity to exhibit a broader variety of abilities than you would in a standard face-to-face interview. Assessment centres, which may last from an afternoon to two days, are often the last step of the selection process for big graduate recruiters. Typically, six to eight other applicants will be present, but it is critical to maintain focus on your own performance.
Assessment days may take place in a variety of locations, ranging from the employer's headquarters to a hotel or training centre. However, COVID-19 saw the majority of assessment centres conducted online, and even with limits eased, it is probable that in-person and virtual assessment centres will continue to co-exist in the future. You will work on a number of activities both individually and in groups, including the following:
case studies
group discussions
in-tray exercises
psychometric tests
role play
social events
written examinations
Assessment centres enable employers to compare the performance of several applicants at the same time. They are a fairly typical aspect of graduate recruiting. An assessment centre is a series of exercises and activities designed to determine your employment fit. You will have the opportunity to exhibit a broader variety of abilities than you would in a standard face-to-face interview.
the assessments
Employers do not evaluate you just on the basis of work skills. Additionally, they want to confirm that you are a good match for the organisation. While being scrutinised for an extended period of time might be stressful, assessment centres enable you to compensate for poor performance on one activity by succeeding on another. Our academic writers can help with any written assessment in variety of abilities, including the following:
analytical thinking
commercial awareness
time management