Are you a mature student?

As someone who returned to university as a mature student, I understand how daunting the whole experience can be. Trying to keep up with peers who are half your age is hard enough, but add in the pressure of exams and assignments, and it's enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed.

But there are plenty of ways to embrace university life as a mature student – you just need to know where to look. In this blog post, I'll share my top tips for making the most of your time at university, no matter your age. So read on if you're feeling a bit lost (or just want some advice on how to survive university)!


There are various reasons why a mature student would decide to go back to university. Whether you're looking to change careers, boost your earnings potential, or simply explore a subject you're passionate about, the university can offer a lot. It's crucial to be ready for the difficulties that come with studying as an adult, though. The following advice will help you get the most out of your academic experience:

1. Don't be afraid to ask for help - Mature students often have more responsibilities than their younger counterparts, which can make it difficult to find time to study. If you're struggling to keep on top of your workload, don't be afraid to ask for help from your tutors or fellow students.

2. Make use of technology - There's no need to feel like you're at a disadvantage because you didn't grow up with computers and smartphones. Making use of technology can actually help you save time and stay organized. There are plenty of online resources and apps that can help you make the most of your studies.

3. Be Social - University is a fantastic place to meet new people and create lifelong friendships. Participate in campus activities and make use of the university's social opportunities. You'll find that there are plenty of people in similar situations to you, so don't worry about feeling out of place.

4. Embrace change - One of the best things about being a mature student is that you're not limited by what you already know. Take advantage of this chance to push yourself to new limits and attempt new things. The level of enjoyment you experience can surprise you!

Is it worth going to university as a mature student?

There is no right or incorrect answer when deciding whether to attend a university; it is a personal decision. Depending on your own situation and what you expect to learn from the experience. However, if you're thinking about returning to university as a mature student, it's worth considering the benefits. Here are some considerations to make:

1. You're never too old to learn - One of the great things about university is that it's never too late to learn. Whether you're looking to change careers or explore a new subject, the university can offer you the opportunity to do just that.

2. It can boost your earnings potential - A university degree can open up doors to higher-paying jobs. The university can be the best option for you if you want to boost your earning potential.

3. You'll make friends for life - Meeting new people and making lifelong friends can be done quite well in university. Whether you live in student accommodation or commute from home, you'll have the chance to socialize and form lasting relationships.

4. It's a chance to try something new - If you're feeling stuck in a rut, the university can be the perfect opportunity to try something new. Whether you're looking to change careers or explore a new subject, the university offers the chance to do just that.

5. You'll never regret it - Even if you don't achieve your desired outcome, you'll never regret going to university. The experience itself is valuable, and you'll come away with new skills, knowledge, and friendships. So if you're thinking of going back to university as a mature student, do it! You might just surprise yourself.

Do older students do better in university?

Since every student's experience is different, there isn't a clear-cut response to this query. However, older students may have some benefits over their younger counterparts. For example, mature students often have more life experience and responsibilities, which can make them more focused and dedicated to their studies. 

Additionally, older students may be better equipped to deal with the challenges of university life, such as balancing their workload with other commitments. Ultimately, regardless of age, it is up to each individual student to maximize their university experience. So if you're considering returning to university as a mature student, don't let your age hold you back! You might just surprise yourself.

Ways Mature Students Can Succeed in University

If you're a mature student considering university, you might be wondering if you'll be able to keep up with your younger counterparts. The good news is that there are numerous strategies you may use to position yourself for success. Here are a few considerations:

1. Start early - If possible, prepare for university well in advance. This will give you time to research your options, apply for financial aid, and get your affairs in order. The process will be less stressful if you get started earlier.

2. Get organized - One of the challenges of university life is managing your time effectively. Mature students often have other commitments, such as work and family, so it's important to be organized and plan ahead. Set a schedule and do your best to follow it.

3. Take advantage of resources - There are many resources available to university students, so make sure you take advantage of them. From the library to the student health center, there are plenty of ways to get the help and support you need.

4. Communicate with your professors - Don't be afraid to reach out to your professors if you're struggling. They're there to help you and will be more than happy to offer advice or extra support.


