Here are our top tips for meeting urgent essay deadlines

Are you struggling to meet an urgent essay deadline? If so, don't worry - you're not alone. In fact, many students find themselves in this predicament. But don't panic; with some organisation and planning, you can easily ensure that your essay is submitted on time.

To ensure that you meet the deadlines, you should take the following steps:

  • Make a plan

  • Gather your resources

  • Set aside time to write

  • Take breaks

  • Ask for help

  • Don't overcommit

1. Make a plan

When you receive an essay assignment, the first thing you should do is create a plan. By doing so, you'll be able to organise your ideas and finish the essay on schedule. Set a deadline for yourself first, then divide the task into more manageable objectives. For example, if you have a week to write the essay, give yourself a day to brainstorm ideas, two days to write the body of the essay, and one day to revise and edit.

2. Gather your resources

Once your plan is set in motion, you should begin accumulating your resources. if your writing a law essay, check out our law notes. This includes anything you'll need to complete the essay, such as research materials, data, quotes, etc. Having all of your resources gathered before you start writing will make the process much smoother and help you to avoid any last-minute scrambling.

3. Set aside time to write

One of the biggest mistakes that students make is leaving their essays to the last minute. This is a recipe for disaster! Not only will you be under immense pressure to finish the essay on time, but you're also likely to produce lower-quality work. To avoid this, set aside some dedicated time each day to work on your essay. Even if it's just an hour or two, this will make a big difference in terms of both quality and quantity.

4. Take breaks

It can be tempting just to push through and finish the essay as soon as possible while feeling overburdened. However, it's not always the wisest move. You're more likely to make mistakes or produce work of lesser quality if you push yourself too hard. Instead, take breaks when you start to feel overwhelmed. By doing this, you'll be able to get your thoughts in order and come back to the task with renewed vigour.

5. Ask for help

If you're finding it difficult to meet an urgent deadline, don't hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or your instructor. Sometimes all you need is a little assistance to get back on track.

6. Don't overcommit

Finally, one of the best ways to avoid last-minute essay crises is not to overcommit yourself. Don't hesitate to say no if you know you don't have the time or energy to complete an assignment. Turning in an assignment late is preferable to do one quickly and poorly.


Can You Finish An Essay In 1 Hour?

You might write an essay in one hour. However, it depends on various elements, including the essay's length, the difficulty of the subject, and your own writing abilities. If you are given a 1-hour time limit to write an essay, it is important to use your time wisely.

First, spend a few minutes brainstorming and outlining your essay. Next, write your essay quickly without worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.

Once you have finished writing, take a few minutes to revise your essay and check for any mistakes. You can proofread your essay for any final touches if you have time left over.

How Do You Compose A Last-Minute Essay Fast?

If you're up against a tight deadline and need to write an essay fast, there are a few things you can do to get it done quickly.

Start by outlining the thoughts you generate while brainstorming. This will help you focus your essay's main points and ensure that each of your assertions is short and understandable. Once you have your outline, start writing your essay, making sure to keep your argument focused and supported by evidence.

As you write, keep an eye on the clock and make sure that you're staying on track. If you start to run out of time, cut down on your essay's length rather than skip over important points. Finally, ensure your essay is error-free by thoroughly proofreading it before submitting it. By following these steps, you can write a last-minute essay that is well-organized and clearly argued.

How Do You Prioritize Your Work?

How to prioritise your work depends on several factors, including the nature of the work itself, your workload, and your personal preferences. However, a few general tips can help you prioritise your work more effectively. 

One tip is to start with the most important or time-sensitive tasks. If you have an essay due tomorrow, that should be at the top of your list. Other tasks can be prioritised based on their importance or urgency. If you have a work project that's due in a week but it will only take a few hours to complete, it may not be as time-sensitive as something that's due tomorrow but will take much longer to finish. 

Another tip is to break down large projects into smaller tasks. This might assist you in time management and progress monitoring. For example, if you're writing a research paper, you might want to break it down into tasks like finding sources, reading and taking notes on those sources, drafting the paper itself, and revising and editing. 

It will ultimately depend on you and your scenario as to how you should prioritise your work. But following these tips can help you develop a system that works well for you and helps you get things done more efficiently.


Even if you're the world's greatest procrastinator, these tips should help you meet your essay deadline. Try to start early, break up the work into manageable chunks, and take breaks regularly. And if everything else fails, keep in mind that someone will always be able to assist you in finishing it on time. So exhale a sigh of relief, pick up a pen (or your keyboard), and get going!!!


