Free Movement of Persons
By using these EU law Free Movement of Persons notes, you should be able to discuss the scope of the right of freedom of movement of persons within the EU. Identify the key Treaty provisions and secondary legislation governing the right of freedom of movement of persons. Explain the definition of ‘worker’. Define the primary rights granted to workers and their families. Identify the primary rights of students and the self-employed and discuss the scope of the restrictions on the right of Member States to derogate from the free movement of persons provisions.
The scope of Article 45
Graf (Case C-190/98) 2000 ECR I-493
Angonese (Case C-281/98) 200 ECR-4139
Definition of “worker”
Lawrie-Blum v Land Baden- Württemberg (Case 66/85) [1986] ECR 2121
Levin v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 53/81) [1982] ECR 1035
Kempf v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 139/85) [1986] ECR 1741
R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Antonissen (Case 292/89) [1991] ECR I-745
The worker’s family
Article 2 of Directive 2004/38.
Equality in social and welfare rights
O’Flynn v Adjudication officer (Case C-237/94) 1996 ECR I-2617
Forini v SNCF (Case 32/75) 1975 ECR 1085
Lair v Universität Hannover (Case 39/86) [1988] ECR 3161
Gaal (Case C-7/94) 1995 ECR I-1031
Derogations to free movement of workers
Colegio de oficales de la marina mecante Espanola (Case C-405/01) 2003 ECR I-10391
By using these EU law Free Movement of Persons notes, you should be able to discuss the scope of the right of freedom of movement of persons within the EU. Identify the key Treaty provisions and secondary legislation governing the right of freedom of movement of persons. Explain the definition of ‘worker’. Define the primary rights granted to workers and their families. Identify the primary rights of students and the self-employed and discuss the scope of the restrictions on the right of Member States to derogate from the free movement of persons provisions.
The scope of Article 45
Graf (Case C-190/98) 2000 ECR I-493
Angonese (Case C-281/98) 200 ECR-4139
Definition of “worker”
Lawrie-Blum v Land Baden- Württemberg (Case 66/85) [1986] ECR 2121
Levin v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 53/81) [1982] ECR 1035
Kempf v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 139/85) [1986] ECR 1741
R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Antonissen (Case 292/89) [1991] ECR I-745
The worker’s family
Article 2 of Directive 2004/38.
Equality in social and welfare rights
O’Flynn v Adjudication officer (Case C-237/94) 1996 ECR I-2617
Forini v SNCF (Case 32/75) 1975 ECR 1085
Lair v Universität Hannover (Case 39/86) [1988] ECR 3161
Gaal (Case C-7/94) 1995 ECR I-1031
Derogations to free movement of workers
Colegio de oficales de la marina mecante Espanola (Case C-405/01) 2003 ECR I-10391
By using these EU law Free Movement of Persons notes, you should be able to discuss the scope of the right of freedom of movement of persons within the EU. Identify the key Treaty provisions and secondary legislation governing the right of freedom of movement of persons. Explain the definition of ‘worker’. Define the primary rights granted to workers and their families. Identify the primary rights of students and the self-employed and discuss the scope of the restrictions on the right of Member States to derogate from the free movement of persons provisions.
The scope of Article 45
Graf (Case C-190/98) 2000 ECR I-493
Angonese (Case C-281/98) 200 ECR-4139
Definition of “worker”
Lawrie-Blum v Land Baden- Württemberg (Case 66/85) [1986] ECR 2121
Levin v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 53/81) [1982] ECR 1035
Kempf v Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Case 139/85) [1986] ECR 1741
R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Antonissen (Case 292/89) [1991] ECR I-745
The worker’s family
Article 2 of Directive 2004/38.
Equality in social and welfare rights
O’Flynn v Adjudication officer (Case C-237/94) 1996 ECR I-2617
Forini v SNCF (Case 32/75) 1975 ECR 1085
Lair v Universität Hannover (Case 39/86) [1988] ECR 3161
Gaal (Case C-7/94) 1995 ECR I-1031
Derogations to free movement of workers
Colegio de oficales de la marina mecante Espanola (Case C-405/01) 2003 ECR I-10391