Free Movement of Goods I Articles 28–30 and 110 TFEU
By using these EU law Free Movement of Goods I (Articles 28–30 and 110 TFEU) notes, you will understand the rationale for the rules relating to the free movement of goods. You will be able to identify the relevant Treaty provisions and the differences between them. More specifically be able to understand Article 30 TFEU and the concepts of customs duties and charges having an equivalent effect, and the differences between them, with reference to the relevant CJ case law.
The definition of goods
Commission v Italy (the ‘Italian Art’ case) (Case 7/68) [1968] ECR 423
Charges having equivalent effect (CEE)
Commission v Italy (the ‘Statistical Levy’ case) (Case 24/68) [1969] ECR 193
Sociaal Fonds voor de Diamantarbeiders v Chougol Diamond Co (Cases 2 & 3/69) [1969] ECR 211
Dansk Denkavit ApS v Danish Ministry of Agriculture (Case 29/87) [1988] ECR 2965
Commission v Germany (Case 18/87) [1988] ECR 5427.
Commission v Belgium (the ‘Customs Warehouses’ case) (Case 132/82) [1983] ECR 1649
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Rewe- Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Großhandels GmbH v Hauptzollamt Landau/Pfalz (Case 45/75) [1976] ECR 181
Commission v Denmark (Case 106/84) [1986] ECR 833
Humblot v Directeur des Services Fiscaux (Case 112/84) [1985] ECR 1367
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Chemical Farmaceutici SpA v DAF SpA (Case 140/79) [1981] ECR 1
The prohibition of protectionism of non-similar products at competition
Commission v UK (“Wine and Beer”) (Case 170/78) [1980] ECR 417 and [1983] ECR 2265
By using these EU law Free Movement of Goods I (Articles 28–30 and 110 TFEU) notes, you will understand the rationale for the rules relating to the free movement of goods. You will be able to identify the relevant Treaty provisions and the differences between them. More specifically be able to understand Article 30 TFEU and the concepts of customs duties and charges having an equivalent effect, and the differences between them, with reference to the relevant CJ case law.
The definition of goods
Commission v Italy (the ‘Italian Art’ case) (Case 7/68) [1968] ECR 423
Charges having equivalent effect (CEE)
Commission v Italy (the ‘Statistical Levy’ case) (Case 24/68) [1969] ECR 193
Sociaal Fonds voor de Diamantarbeiders v Chougol Diamond Co (Cases 2 & 3/69) [1969] ECR 211
Dansk Denkavit ApS v Danish Ministry of Agriculture (Case 29/87) [1988] ECR 2965
Commission v Germany (Case 18/87) [1988] ECR 5427.
Commission v Belgium (the ‘Customs Warehouses’ case) (Case 132/82) [1983] ECR 1649
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Rewe- Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Großhandels GmbH v Hauptzollamt Landau/Pfalz (Case 45/75) [1976] ECR 181
Commission v Denmark (Case 106/84) [1986] ECR 833
Humblot v Directeur des Services Fiscaux (Case 112/84) [1985] ECR 1367
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Chemical Farmaceutici SpA v DAF SpA (Case 140/79) [1981] ECR 1
The prohibition of protectionism of non-similar products at competition
Commission v UK (“Wine and Beer”) (Case 170/78) [1980] ECR 417 and [1983] ECR 2265
By using these EU law Free Movement of Goods I (Articles 28–30 and 110 TFEU) notes, you will understand the rationale for the rules relating to the free movement of goods. You will be able to identify the relevant Treaty provisions and the differences between them. More specifically be able to understand Article 30 TFEU and the concepts of customs duties and charges having an equivalent effect, and the differences between them, with reference to the relevant CJ case law.
The definition of goods
Commission v Italy (the ‘Italian Art’ case) (Case 7/68) [1968] ECR 423
Charges having equivalent effect (CEE)
Commission v Italy (the ‘Statistical Levy’ case) (Case 24/68) [1969] ECR 193
Sociaal Fonds voor de Diamantarbeiders v Chougol Diamond Co (Cases 2 & 3/69) [1969] ECR 211
Dansk Denkavit ApS v Danish Ministry of Agriculture (Case 29/87) [1988] ECR 2965
Commission v Germany (Case 18/87) [1988] ECR 5427.
Commission v Belgium (the ‘Customs Warehouses’ case) (Case 132/82) [1983] ECR 1649
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Rewe- Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Großhandels GmbH v Hauptzollamt Landau/Pfalz (Case 45/75) [1976] ECR 181
Commission v Denmark (Case 106/84) [1986] ECR 833
Humblot v Directeur des Services Fiscaux (Case 112/84) [1985] ECR 1367
Commission v France (‘Reprographic Machinery’) (Case 90/79) [1981] ECR 283
Chemical Farmaceutici SpA v DAF SpA (Case 140/79) [1981] ECR 1
The prohibition of protectionism of non-similar products at competition
Commission v UK (“Wine and Beer”) (Case 170/78) [1980] ECR 417 and [1983] ECR 2265