Disability Discrimination Claim


These Particulars of Claim may be completed online, downloaded, printed, and sent or handed in person to the appropriate courts with the ET1 Form. An explanation of the claim(s) is needed under section 8.2 of the ET1 form. This is called an ET1 Particulars of Claim. The employment tribunal will review this document first if the case goes to a hearing. The claim(s) that the claimant wants the tribunal to rule upon must thus be clearly identified and described in the claim specifics. You may draught this document with the aid of the ET1 Particulars of Claim template, which will ensure that it has the necessary dates and information. It will provide the reader a synopsis of what happened and explain why the claimant thinks it was discrimination and unlawful. If you need help to finalise one of our Particulars of Claim Templates I can coach you or check it for you.

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Employment Law Coaching

Disability Discrimination

I will ensure disabled people have the same access to justice as non-disabled people. People with disabilities should be treated fairly at work. I will assist persons with disabilities who wish to transition into paid employment by taking down any obstacles placed in their way and fighting against any workplace discrimination. The job gap between persons with disabilities and those without disabilities has been shrinking slowly, our nation is losing out because we are not maximising the potential of our workforce, people with disabilities are likely to work for much less pay than persons without disabilities. This must change. One-fourth of employers acknowledge that they would be less inclined to hire a candidate with a disability, and seven out of ten people with neuro-divergent conditions claim to have faced discrimination at work.

Disability Discrimination Claim