Some Other Substantial Reason (SOSR)

The final potentially fair reason is that the dismissal is for "some other substantial reason of a kind such as to justify the dismissal of an employee holding the position which the employee held", usually shortened to some other substantial reason or SOSR – s.98(1)(b) ERA. 

There is no further statutory guidance on what is meant by the term, but it is designed to catch potentially fair dismissals that would not fall into any of the other categories, for example: 

  • The dismissal of an employee who has failed to accept new terms and conditions following a business reorganisation;

  • The dismissal of employees where there has been an irreconcilable breakdown in relationships between them; or

  • The dismissal of an employee resulting from a TUPE transfer for which there is an “economic, technical or organisational reason entailing a change in the workforce”.

This is a ‘catch all category’ and may include for example:

  1. the dismissal of an employee who was taken on as temporary replacement for a worker who was returning after maternity leave (provided that was clearly explained to the replacement from the outset);

  2. the dismissal of an employee for failing to agree to a change in their terms and conditions of employment;

  3. personality clashes;

  4. the dismissal of an employee in connection with the transfer of ownership of a business under TUPE which can be shown to be for an "economic, technical or organisational reason entailing changes in the workforce” under the TUPE legislation; or

  5. the imprisonment of an employee (this may also frustrate the contract).

Employment Coaching

Get help with your employment issue, as it arises at work. If you are having problems at work you may not understand where to start. I can coach  you to navigate your Employment Policies and Procedures. This can help you argue your employment issue and organise any potential claim in the right way up to the employment tribunal if needed.  As an expert law tutor I will guide and support you through the whole process. I offer simple, cost effective and confidential employment advice for employees/workers on employment issues you experience at work. I particularly want to assist anyone who has been discriminated.

Employment Advice

I have been teaching law for 20 years. Moreover, I have gained a lot of employment law experience advising both individuals and companies. I have had many successful outcomes but more than that I have had countless cases that ended in settlements because the case could not be won by the employer. If you are having problems at work why not get someone to teach you how employment law works. I provide valuable advice while you are having trouble at work and can coach you through a successful outcome. I have been just as effective for defending employment claims for businesses.

HOw I can Help?

  • I need to raise a Grievance

  • How to gather evidence for my grievance

  • How to appeal my grievance

  • Defend a disciplinary

  • Dealing with a potential unfair dismissal

  • Is this an automatic unfair dismissal?

  • What are protected acts?

  • Resign and claim constructive dismissal

  • Is my Redundancy fair

  • What is the process for Whistleblowing?