open justice

open justice Meaning

The principle of open justice is a fundamental tenet of the legal system in most countries and states that judicial proceedings must be conducted in a transparent manner, with the involvement of the public. This principle is critical to ensuring that justice is served fairly and equitably. It allows citizens to witness the judicial process firsthand, giving them confidence that the proceedings are conducted in a just and impartial manner. Transparency in judicial proceedings also ensures that the justice system is accountable to the public, as it allows for scrutiny and oversight. Overall, the principle of open justice is essential to maintaining trust in the legal system, promoting transparency, and ensuring fairness.

The Concept of open justice

The principle of open justice emphasises the importance of transparency in legal proceedings. This is done to safeguard the rights of individuals who are subject to the power of the court and to enable public scrutiny. Open justice enables individuals to observe and understand how the justice system operates and how decisions are made. It also promotes accountability, as the court's actions can be reviewed and scrutinised by the public. The principle of open justice ensures that justice is not only done but seen to be done. It is a fundamental principle of the legal system, which upholds the democratic values of transparency, accountability, and fairness.


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