ET1 Claim Form

ET1 form

The ET1 form can either be completed and submitted online, or downloaded and completed and sent in by post or hand-delivered to designated tribunals (Press the button for the ET1 Form).

If the claimant does not use the prescribed form or does not provide the following information on the ET1, the tribunal service will reject the claim:

  1. The ET1 provides space (at section 8) to write a statement also known as ‘Particulars of Claim’ about the claim(s). If the case goes to a hearing, this is the first document the tribunal will read.  It is therefore important for the details of the claim to identify and accurately explain the claim(s) that the claimant wants the tribunal to decide. A tribunal does not have jurisdiction to determine claims that are not contained in the facts set out in the claim form and it is not for the tribunal to extend the range of complaints of its own motion.

  2. The ET1 should state all material facts and dates, but should not be as detailed as a witness statement.  It should provide the reader with an overview of what happened and why the claimant considers it to be unlawful. 

Particulars of Claim Templates

Make a Employment Tribunal Claim and use our templates a produce a clear and persuasive Particulars of Claim.