What is Law

Some human beings could be appropriately described as weak-willed animals. They can easily be influenced by the first smell of money or power. This is due to an insatiable desire to please. The desire to be a success can cause even the strongest of wills to lose their heads. What have we heard from childhood when numerous "heroes" lost their way towards the glory of their times because of greed?

Our main goal in life has been to achieve peace and harmony throughout our life. A utopian society envisions an ideal world where people can govern themselves. They trust one another blindly. They find happiness. They set goals, follow a strict lifestyle and succeed in whatever they have set their sights on. They can be the best version of themselves and, at the same time, feel secure about it.

This idea, unfortunately, is based on an idealized world that is almost incompatible with the present-day world. The real world of our society is a diverse mix of different kinds of people. People who seek to disrupt the harmony of the natural community. Law is crucial in restoring the delicate balance to society and in making the lives of those living together harmonious. Law assists in maintaining the morality of people in their individual lives as well as the whole society.


Imagine an environment without any laws to penalize the guilty. Let us suppose that the community has, until the present lived a life of integrity with no ordeal. Imagine that a person steals a precious item from a neighbor's home out of desperation. The person isn't penalized, but everyone knows what he's committed. Someone naive, perhaps a child, sees this and may be enticed to steal since he is aware that there is no consequence. It becomes an endless chain that threatens fundamental principles of society.

Another scenario could be an emergency scenario. A group of people is trapped on an island and have twenty days of water and food. They know that a rescuer will be there at the beginning of the day, the 20th day. They divide their food to ensure they have all the nutrition they require when they get rescued. Due to the desire to eat more, a person goes quietly and eats two days of food intended for the entire group. If the group learns of the incident, they go up against the individual who cleverly claims to them that no law or rule prohibits eating more. Because the group comprised well-educated women and men aged and young, they were aware that his argument was right, and they could not take any action to get the food returned. They were starving for two days. During this time, a few older adults became sick and couldn't recover.

Lawlessness allows one to challenge the fundamentals of society. It's against one's conscience. The fear of being punished isn't present, which helps the confidence that grows among the criminal that he or they can escape punishment for anything. This is a threat to the harmony of our society, causing an increasing number of people to adopt this behavior.


Law is a fundamental part of society. Law serves to help the people to live their lives without bloodshed and with tranquility and peace. Law can help us control our need for more power or money. It stifles our desire to be rich and reminds us that someone or something else is out there waiting to take our punishment if needed. It can help restore equilibrium in society and ensure justice for the victims. The best aspect of the law is that everybody is equal before it. There is no distinction between rich and poor under the eye of the law. No one has more power than others when it comes to the law. The law regulates the behavior of people. It helps to prevent us from falling into chaos.

Law is fluid. It constantly adapts to the ever-changing times to fill every loophole that might be left open due to human errors. The Preamble of our Constitution lays out the principles that include JUSTICE, LIBERTY, SOVEREIGNTY, FRATERNITY, and EQUALITY, which form the basis of Our Constitution. But, without law, these ideals are constantly destroyed. There will be no way to defend these ideals.

In a society where survival of the fittest has become a common theme, as well as looking at the number of the human population, we can say one thing. Law is essential for survival. It is impossible to fight against one another as it would surely cause destruction. Laws create a sense of fear that could prevent the killing of humans. Each person gets their portion and what they are entitled to.

The laws tell us what to expect as a consequence of our actions. We must be aware before leaping. It's there to safeguard and destroy. It is a barrier for those who are caught up in the freedom they are granted through the absence of laws when this happens. They are aware that a violation of the law could be detrimental to their finances and mental and physical. Certain exceptions might be made; however, this applies to most people.


Mother Nature herself follows many rules and regulations that aid in the sustainable development of this world and the life that flourishes therein in abundance. Every living thing, from the tiny unicellular amoeba to the largest creature, the blue whale, follows the same set of rules and regulations to stay alive.

Let's take a look at the instances that honey bees provide. They follow the instructions of the queen. They visit thousands and hundreds of flowers to help carry out pollination, which assists in the reproduction of the plants. They must adhere to certain laws or rules that assist in this vital process. If any of them violates laws, they must leave the hive. They can't join a new bee hive, nor can they rejoin. It's like making them the subject of a life sentence. This life-threatening scenario helps keep the honey bees under control and helps to maintain order in the beehive.

Similar to the birds that migrate each year, either in the summer or winter, depending on their patterns. They must adhere to certain rules or laws that aid them in their journey. A violation of these laws could result in extreme cases that could lead to death.


Our society is extremely educated. The primary issue they raise is who has the authority to make these laws that impose and enforce restrictions upon their life. The debate and question the authority who makes these laws and are entitled to do so. When they are happy with their authority, they are confident that the lives of their loved ones are in safe hands, and they can focus on their goals and aspirations. The law is intended to balance the individual's desires against the general public's requirements. We are accountable, and we give up some of our rights (not harm others or harm other people or steal from others in our society) to enjoy the advantages of society (not being killed by others or being injured by other people and not being robbed by others of society).

Law can help remove social stigmas like dowry and the inability to touch. Law can help in protecting the poor.


It could be implied from common sense that law assists us to survive as a community and is practical. Comfortable is a good thing, and people seek comfort over everything else, excluding happiness. Law also helps get rid of social barriers that are present in our society. By enforcing the law, we can survive and prosper. Thus, the law is indispensable for a functioning society.


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