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When you are writing a dissertation, it is important to remember that this is a research project. Your goal should be to produce a high-quality piece of legal writing that makes a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in your field. To achieve this, you will need to develop a clear and concise plan for your research project. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps that you need to take to write a successful dissertation!

The research proposal

Before you start writing a research paper, you need to have a clear and concise plan of what the paper will be about. This plan is called a research proposal. A research proposal outlines the main points of your research paper and includes your research questions, hypotheses, or thesis statement. It also includes a literature review, which is a summary of the current state of knowledge on your topic. The purpose of a research proposal is to plan the structure of your paper and make sure that all of the necessary components are included. By doing this, you can be sure that your paper will be well-organised and easy to follow. Additionally, a good research proposal will help to ensure that your paper is focused and contains only relevant information. When writing a research proposal, it is important to keep in mind the following things: the research question(s), the hypothesis or thesis statement, the literature review, and the method(s) of research. by keeping these things in mind, you can be sure that your proposal will be comprehensive and will cover all of the necessary aspects of your research paper.

Structure of your proposal

The research proposal is the plan for your research project. It should include information about your research topic, your research questions, and your methodology. It is important to plan the structure of your proposal before you start writing so that you can be sure to cover all of the important aspects of your research. When writing your proposal, be sure to address the following:

  • What is your research topic?

  • What are your research questions?

  • What is your methodology?

  • What are your expected results?

  • How will you communicate your findings?

By addressing these key points, you will ensure that your research proposal is comprehensive and well-organized.

Research questions

One common challenge that students face when writing essays is deciding what to write about. This can be especially difficult if the essay prompt is broad or open-ended. One way to overcome this challenge is to brainstorm a primary research question and two secondary research questions. The primary question should be focused and specific, and the secondary questions should be more general. Once you have your three questions, you can start researching and writing your essay. By having a clear focus, you'll be able to produce a more well-rounded and engaging essay.

Narrow your research

To avoid sounding like a textbook, it is important to focus the writing on one area rather than writing about a broad range of topics. When the focus is placed on a specific topic, the writing sounds more authoritative and confident. Additionally, avoiding wide discourse allows the writing to flow more smoothly and makes it easier for the reader to follow. By narrowing the focus, writers can avoid sounding like a textbook and create a more engaging piece of writing.

Lots to research

Choosing a focus area is important when narrowing down your search for articles. Keep in mind that you will likely find more than one focus area while you are looking for articles. Once you have chosen a focus area, make sure to focus your reading on that one area. This will help you to better understand the material and retain the information. Additionally, it will be easier to find new information on the topic if you have already narrowed your focus. If you try to focus on too many areas at once, you will likely become overwhelmed and unable to find relevant information. Therefore, it is important to focus your reading on one specific area to be successful.

The trick is not to have one essay but to have 3 essays merged into one

Critical analysis is an important skill for any student to learn, regardless of their field of study. By definition, critical analysis means closely examining a text or other work to identify its strengths and weaknesses. In the context of an essay, this means avoiding simply summarising the work in question and instead of providing a well-reasoned argument. This can be a challenging task, as it requires students to go beyond simply describing what they see and instead engage with the material on a deeper level. However, the rewards of critical analysis are numerous. Not only does it encourage students to think critically about the world around them, but it also develops their writing skills and helps them to avoid being descriptive. When writing a critical analysis, it is important to remember that scholars are not looking for mere opinion but rather a well-reasoned and evidence-based argument. By keeping this in mind, students can ensure that their critical analysis is both punchy and scholarly.

What I want to read when marking a dissertation

Your professor wants to see scholarly activity when marking a dissertation because it proves that you are willing to put in the hard work to find new and interesting information on your chosen topic. By bringing new knowledge to the subject, you are showing that you are capable of critical thinking and original thought. In addition, a dissertation that is well researched and well written will be an interesting read for your professor, making the marking process more enjoyable. Ultimately, your professor wants to see that you have put in the effort to produce a high-quality piece of work, and scholarly activity is one way to demonstrate this. You are thinking how do I do this?

Conduct interviews

One of the best ways to uncover a problem is to interview people who are knowledgeable about the subject. This can be done informally, by simply asking friends and family about their experiences, or more formally, by conducting surveys or focus groups. By talking to those who have first-hand experience with the issue, you can get a better understanding of the scope of the problem and how it affects those involved. Additionally, you can use interviews and empirical data to identify potential solutions that might not be immediately obvious. Finally, interviews can help to build support for addressing the problem, as they can raise awareness and create a sense of urgency. By using interviews to uncover a problem, you can glean valuable information that can be used to find a solution.

There is a lot of value in empirical research – taking a different approach to the study by interviewing people and getting first-hand accounts of what they have experienced. This can give you a much richer understanding of the topic than simply reading about it in a book or article. Additionally, it can be helpful to get multiple perspectives on a topic, as different people will have different things to say. interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, or even online. Regardless of the format, they are a valuable tool that can provide insights that would otherwise be difficult to obtain.

Different approach

When approaching a project, it can be helpful to look at it from different perspectives. For example, if you are looking at a legal issue, you might want to also consider it from a sociological standpoint. What are the broader implications of the issue? What do other people who have studied this area have to say about it? By taking a different approach, you may be able to gain new insights into the issue.

If you are a lawyer, chances are you are used to taking a very specific approach to the study of your chosen field. However, there may be times when taking a different approach can yield better results. For example, rather than looking at a problem from a purely legal perspective, taking a sociological or psychological perspective can provide new insights. By considering the problem from multiple angles, you can develop a more well-rounded understanding of it and potential legal solutions. So next time you are stuck on a legal problem, consider taking a step back and looking at it from a different perspective. You might just find the answer you are looking for.

Double-blind study

A double-blind study is a type of research design in which both the participants and researchers are unaware of who is receiving which intervention. This helps to prevent bias and provides a more accurate picture of the results of the study. The double-blind design is often used in clinical trials, where new drugs or treatments are being tested. To be sure that the results are not influenced by the expectations or preconceptions of the participants, it is important that they not know whether they are receiving the experimental treatment or a placebo. Double-blind studies are generally considered to be the gold standard in research design, as they provide the most reliable data. However, they can be more expensive and time-consuming to conduct than other types of studies. For this reason, researchers must carefully consider whether a double-blind design is necessary for their particular study.


Your dissertation is finally finished, and all that is left to do is present it to your committee or supervisor. While the content of your dissertation is the most important part, you also want to make sure that it is well written and nicely presented. A neat, tidy document shows that you are organised and that you care about the details. Be sure to proofread your work and check for any typos or grammatical errors. It is also important to use a consistent style throughout your dissertation. Use headings and subheadings to help break up the text and make it easier to read. And finally, do not forget about the little things. Use a consistent font and layout throughout your document, and choose a cover that accurately represents your work. By taking care of the presentation of your dissertation, you will be sending a strong message to your committee that you are a serious scholar.


OSCOLA referencing is a system for academic citation that is used by legal scholars in the United Kingdom. The name stands for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities. The system is primarily used in law journals and books, but it can also be used in other academic disciplines. There are four main elements to OSCOLA referencing: footnotes, bibliographies, abbreviations, and cited works. In each case, the goal is to provide accurate and complete information about the sources that have been used. OSCOLA referencing can seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, it becomes second nature. The most important thing is to double-check your work to make sure that you have accurately cited all of your sources.

When citing a source more than once in a paragraph, it is important to double-check the OSCOLA requirements to ensure that the citation is being done correctly. There are some circumstances in which a shortened form of citation may be used, but it is important to make sure that the context is clear to avoid any confusion. In addition, when citing a work that has already been cited in an earlier footnote, it is important to make sure that the reader will be able to understand which work is being referred to. By double-checking the requirements and taking care to be clear and concise, you can ensure that your citations are both accurate and helpful to your reader.

How to merge several 2000-word essays

Now that you have written all three of your essays, it is time to put them all together. This can be a daunting task, but there are some steps you can follow to make it easier. First, double-check that you have cited all of your sources correctly. This is important not only to avoid plagiarism but also to make sure that your reader can follow your argument. Next, take a look at the overall structure of your essays. Are there any sections that you could combine or reorder? Doing this will help to create a more cohesive final product. Finally, make sure to write an introduction that ties everything together and explains the research questions and methodology. By following these steps, you will be able to merge your three essays into one cohesive whole.

A well-written legal dissertation should be clear, concise, and make the evidence stand out. The concluding section is no exception. By following a few simple tips, you can ensure that your conclusion is both effective and persuasive. First, begin by restating your thesis in different words. This will help to remind the reader of your main argument. Next, sum up the key points of your paper, highlighting the evidence that supports your argument. Finally, finish with a call to action or a memorable statement that will leave the reader with a strong impression of your work. Finally, conclude your essay by self-evaluating the study and determining what direction future research should take. By following these steps, you can successfully merge three 2000-word essays into one cohesive paper.

We Can help

Anyone who has ever tried their hand at writing a dissertation knows just how challenging it can be. Not only do you have to produce a document of around 10,000 words, but you also have to ensure that it is well researched, thoroughly proofread, and meets all the requirements of your university. It's no wonder that so many students struggle with this task. Fortunately, there is help available. Law Tutor have been assisting law students for many years, and we are confident that we can help you to achieve the grade you deserve. We offer a range of tuition services, to help you develop skills to achevie a first class in your dissertation to undergraduate essays and LLB assignments. Whatever your needs, we are here to help. So why not get in touch today and see how we can help you write a first-class dissertation yourself.