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how do you write a top quality essay to get first class degree?

How do you receive a first-class degree?

Here are the top ways to obtain an honors grade of first-class at a university:

Keep your eyes on the best mark.

  1. It's not to say that it's obvious or anything else, but if you're seeking the first-class level, you must be prepared to give the most effort.

  2. Students who earn an honors degree of first-class are the ones who always strive to be the best throughout the year, not just securing now and then top marks and hoping that they'll get just a handful of minimum scores.

  3. To get consistently excellent academic results at school, you'll have to prepare ahead, be organized, and try to complete your work in plenty of time before the deadline. In addition, you'll have to improve your productivity. You are being more efficient.

  4. Although you may think that you're a good writer under pressure, don't fall enough to believe that you'll be able to get an A grade by putting everything until the very final minute. If you often leave your coursework up to one next day, just before the deadline, consider asking yourself what you'd like to get from the first-class degree.

Develop your research skills

  1. If you're wondering, "I've been to all my lectures and seminars, so I'm doing everything I can," You might decide to quit right now.

  2. Contact hours at the university are typically low. While it's crucial to attend every class, it's time you work between classes and in lectures that count. Study your handbook for the course carefully, and you'll discover that you must be working hard and doing a significant amount of work during your spare time.

  3. A first-class honors degree isn't about grinding the way to success or trying to complete an essay in one day. When you're serious about this taking a look beyond your reading list of recommended books is essential.

  4. It's not about reading books on academic subjects from cover to cover. Don't waste time reading in one go; It's ineffective, and you'll wind in a state of forgetting most of what you have read.

  5. Instead, it would help if you bookmarked relevant websites, Set Google Alerts for topics you're considering writing essays about, and generally attempt to stay up-to-date on current debates. Researching the latest developments in your field of research interests is a must in your routine.

  6. Studying and discovering diverse perspectives will help you think critically and develop a personal opinion (don't simply assume the same position as your instructors since this isn't the goal and won't be a good way to make them feel good about themselves.

  7. Except if you're genuinely defending your position, that is, of course).

Make use of the library resources available at the university.


  1. Although online journals can be an excellent resource, the highest grades are usually given to students who have shown that they've tried to use several different sources, such as old papers.

  2. We're not suggesting you create your library shop between dawn and dusk. Placing half of all of the stuff in your room on your desk to make you feel more at ease even as you appear you're working. As you might have already guessed, we're not a big fan of this.

  3. Make the library your space to concentrate. After some time, you'll appreciate the process of searching for books and finding those pertinent to your interests.

  4. Keep track of every thought or fact you learn from the book before you put the book back on your shelf (i.e., note down all pertinent pages, chapter authors, serial numbers, authors, all of it). If you've never written this information down, you'll have to go back to the book and will be resentful for it.

  5. Whatever you do, do not make the mistake of mentioning a critic without any justification. Understanding your critics and making an informed decision on whether you agree with or disagree with their opinions is crucial.

  6. Remember that a first-class student is likely to come up with an idea and utilize critical sources to back the idea, not the other opposite.

Enhance Your presentation

  1. It's not unusual for students to fall short of a first-class honors degree because they believe the presentation style doesn't matter.

  2. It's essential to ensure the correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in your essay. Many instructors will slash your grades significantly if your writing isn't top-quality, regardless of how good your ideas may be.

  3. Writing well-developed skills can help you communicate your thoughts effectively. It can also help make a dull subject seem fascinating (an accomplishment by itself).

  4. If you have trouble with the art of writing essays, It's not an issue. You should start your course longer to give yourself enough time to edit it afterward fully.

  5. The computer program you use to write your papers includes spell checkers. These are likely to be able to spot grammar errors, too. If not, download Grammarly.

  6. You can also email your assignments to someone in your family or an acquaintance and invite them (nicely) to review your work for any obvious mistakes.

  7. If you're concerned about your writing abilities and think you could benefit more with a little help, contact your university's educational support. They're there for a reason! Don't let this hinder your chances of earning that first-class grade.

Ask your tutors for assistance.

  1. Make appointments with your tutors whenever you can, whether to discuss a project you're planning to tackle to get feedback or to talk about your ideas. tutors are paid to help you and assist those struggling.

  2. It is also possible to earn brownie points for discussing an interesting topic in their area of specialization. It shows that you are interested in the subject and provides them with an opportunity to see a new view on a topic they've likely been drowning in for the past decade.

  3. You can set up meetings via email or by asking after a conference. If the teacher has graded you, take it in and ask how you can improve. Tell them about any areas you've struggled with, and don't spend your time asking for specific feedback on all your work, and you'll end up in the bad books.

Take advantage of your classes at the university.

  1. In the first point, the requirement to attend seminars and lectures is a different (very vital) component of the piece of the class degree puzzle.

  2. Making sure you're on time for every one of your scheduled obligations is the most basic thing you can do to maximize the value of your education. If you require convincing, try the price-per-hour tool to determine how much you're spending each time you choose to stay up late for the 9 am class.

  3. Being present in class is another way to win over your teachers (who are grading each of your assignments). They'll likely find it more difficult when they grade work from people who don't attend class, as opposed to someone they know is taking part and doing the best they can each week.

Be careful when you are using social media.

  1. While social media is fun, however enjoyable it may be, nothing is achieved. Studies have revealed that social media only adds to the stress of university since you're more likely to be comparing yourself to other students.

  2. Therefore, it is not surprising that all day long on social media can be pretty poor for your grades.

  3. If you can resist, you can set yourself a target not to use social media after the late hours. If you're struggling with this aspect of your addiction is extremely serious, you might think about temporarily deactivating your accounts.

Select topics that you are interested in.

  1. The purpose of getting an education degree is to increase your knowledge of the field. And the most detrimental thing you could do is focus on a subject that does not inspire you.

  2. It's unlikely that each task will be awe-inspiring to you. However, it would help if you chose exam topics and essay topics in which you're interested. If you're not inspired by the topic you're writing about is a guarantee that your readers are also.

  3. Throughout the year, note any information you've heard about in classes that you find fascinating. This list will be your saving grace when the time to write your dissertation arrives.

What Does a First-Class Essay Look Like?

First-class essays are essays that precisely and succinctly address the essay's questions and cover every aspect of the assignment concisely. First-class essays will go beyond the fundamental requirements and display a knowledge of the subject on behalf of the student, as well as eloquently written content that includes different viewpoints and arguments and demonstrates the originality of thought organized coherently. The design of the first-class essay can be examined in greater in-depth by examining every section.


The purpose of the intro is to provide the reader with an introduction to the subject and create an interest that will make them want to keep reading. In addition, the introduction must be able to explain what the topic is about and set the stage for the following text.

Main Body

The essay's body must be broken down into simple to read paragraphs that are logical and cover a distinct aspect of the subject matter that offers substantial content, which adds to how the essay is addressed. Many different kinds of essay formats could be used depending on the essay being composed.

For an argumentative paper, students may present the case that begins with the underlying issues in the initial few paragraphs before proceeding to the arguments that contradict each other. In other words, every issue related to the essay topic could be discussed and refuted in the following paragraphs.

When the writing is written in an expository way, it will have more factual information backed with deeper research. Contrastive or contradictory evidence is included in the concept theory, theory, or review research. In all instances, it is recommended to use authentic examples that illustrate how could benefit from the theories is a great way to show the understanding of the concept and serve as the opportunity for the integration of original ideas.

In all cases, the style should flow smoothly in a seamless manner, with one paragraph flowing to the next, and the contents should be able to answer the questions without straying. Furthermore, the structure should guide readers in a coherent direction, moving from general ideas to more specific concepts. In all first-class essays, the ideas from all available sources will be thoroughly and precisely cited according to the format of citations demanded by the educational institution.


The conclusion should flow naturally from the part of the text by reiterating the ideas or facts previously described. There should be no new theories or concepts required within this part. The conclusion should summarize the key elements related to the query posed in the introduction. The conclusion should provide an easy and concise response with any objections or remarks.