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The essay-marking service we offer seeks to provide students with greater insight into their essay writing to improve their marks. What is the best way to do it? How do we mark your dissertation, essay, or other assignments? What are we looking at? What feedback can we provide?

How can we determine an approximate grade you should receive on your piece of writing? How can this information assist you with how you write? What is the relationship to your university professor or tutor's marking system? If you're interested in learning how the academic marking process actually works (and you ought to be as it can greatly assist you), take a look.

In writing essays, it is not easy to look back and then read your essay as the reader will. For students, the audience can be an instructor or lecturer, someone who can assign good or bad grades. This is why it can be helpful to have a professional look over your work before you turn it in.

What we are looking for in a good essay will likely be similar to what your teacher seeks. The only difference is the amount of time we devote to giving feedback. Not only do we want to give you feedback on your essay, but we also want to help you improve it to its fullest potential.


This may seem obvious, but the two markers are alike. Human beings are individuals in the end. There are many different styles and preferences, and the things that interest us can differ. However, some constant factors compose an excellent essay. We will look for these aspects in the marking process and give feedback on areas that require attention. In this way, we act as your critical readers as an academic writers.


 The first thing a marker should look at is the writer's brief. The brief will specify the essay's type, subject, and content and focus on the word limit and any other specific requirements. The outline gives us guidelines for marking the essay. With these guidelines in mind, the analysis of your essay will begin. Five essential elements we will look at each of which forms the foundation of any excellent essay:


A well-written essay will be clear in its understanding of the structure. This is the basis on which you can hang your story. If you can structure your essay correctly, you will be on your way to writing an outstanding essay. Making it perfect is all about organisation and ensuring you incorporate all the required components. The most important parts of an essay's structure are the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion.

An effective introduction sets the stage quickly. The first few paragraphs should make it clear what the remainder of the essay will be about. The purpose of the question and, consequently, the content of the essay should be clear. This helps the reader know what to expect for the remainder of their time reading and commenting on your piece of work. The best introductions support both the topic and any other points that are important.

In order to improve the quality of an essay, we will look to see if the writer has addressed the who, where, and what questions within the intro. What's the topic of the essay? The essay's title will give us an idea, but this is the place we are expecting to find it clearly stated. Who are the people it is written for, and what is the reason? What is its significance?

Naturally, the matter of "what" will be the primary part of the essay. The main body is the majority of your essay. The structure of the assignment will be based on the type of task you have done and the requirements and limitations that were established by your examiners. These points are always taken into consideration when we mark. Markers also know the rules for how to format papers and keep these in mind when they give critical feedback.

Despite these limitations, we review your writing to find out how your different sections connect to each concerning the logical flow of the content. This is the main indicator that you have understood the subject matter you are writing about and the way you will be presenting the information. The flow of your writing can be the difference between grades. When marking your work, we will give you tips on how to improve the area.

The conclusion of your essay is a great way to summarise for your examiner the extent to which you are able to reflect on the topic you wrote about. It's a crucial part of the overall picture that we will look at to see if you have got it right. We will check to see whether your ideas are combined as well as if they are coherent. If we can see it, we will tell your judge too.


We will see if you have the concept and how much you know about the subject. We go beyond simple fact-checking (though we will ensure you've got it correct). We are curious about how clear the information is and whether it's been communicated correctly. We are asking, how effectively does your message get across?

It can be tempting to pack as much information into an essay as possible in academic writing. It is also tempting to include every viewpoint on the subject. This is definitely not the way to go. It may appear to be a fashion statement at first glance, but the best way to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject is to present your understanding and research in plain language. Keep your focus on the task at hand. The clarity of your work is one of the things we check. Here are some suggestions for improving your essay writing skills here.

While we need to be focused, we expect to find a broad and deep understanding. That means you must provide sufficient detail to answer the query and demonstrate a greater knowledge of the subject. To put it another way, do you believe the details have been contextualised?

Do you appear to comprehend what you are talking about? We have mentioned this before, but it's the primary aspect that your examiners are looking for, and it's worth noting. The research you have done, how you have formulated and organised them, the relationship between these, and any insight you have shared all contribute to this. Your comprehension level is foremost in the examiner's mind.

Did all the issues get thought of? Have there been any issues not addressed or neglected? Sometimes, you'll deliberately leave out the area, and it's best to indicate this when discussing the scope in your introduction. We will remind you if you've missed something and it appears you have completely forgotten about it.

Focus: Does everything stay in the same direction, or are there any tangents? Tangents are fine if they contribute to the overall story. We analyse the exact value of each sentence in the piece and notify you whether anything has diluted your message. Be aware that your instructor is knowledgeable about your field of study. If we are not able to comprehend it, our teachers will not.


For a good grade, it is a subject that you should pay attention to. The ability to convince the reader of your arguments is the essence of the purpose of writing an essay. It's about using the data to convey your message or make your case. What we are looking for is coherence as well as evidence. The argument must be clearly understood throughout the entire work. Do you adhere to your plan of argument, and do you have the counterarguments made clear? We will tell you the extent to which your argument is properly formulated and supported. We will also provide feedback on any flaws in your argument.

We look at whether the argument is sound and well-thought-out, analysed from many angles, and supported by evidence. The evidence is sourced from literature. When we look an eye over the content of your work, we examine it to see if you have got similar results to literature. Do you have the ability to critically discuss concepts or even abstract ideas and concepts? The evidence of clarity and independence is something to witness. Beyond the norms of society is a clear sign of your abilities.


We look at the kind and scope of sources utilised to write your essay. The best essays analyse primary texts in addition to including new, reliable, and respected works. They may even debate controversial topics.

Every source of information must be mentioned when you write your report. This goes beyond simply listing where you obtained the information. A properly-placed citation gives the person reading the text confidence in the information asserted by the writer. Therefore, we will look to determine how appropriate the sources are to support your essay. Also, are their contents appropriately understood and properly presented?

Naturally, we will verify that your sources are correctly referenced in your bibliography.


It all comes down to the way you have put together your information. Even if you have the most interesting story, it could be lost if it is hard to understand because of how you tell it.

We study the typical ways of using English, including punctuation, spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Style factors, like formatting, tone, and the quality of your figures, are also assessed. We are trying to figure out if you are giving your exam a long, tiresome read or a smooth ride.

We also talk about how references should be made, how data should be presented, where quotes should go, and so on.

Consistency is an essential component of the presentation of your work. It is crucial to maintain high standards throughout the process, and we pay attention to this particular aspect.


Your lecturer or tutor will evaluate your work. Some instructors cannot give feedback with great detail regarding the basis of their choice. However, our marking process is meticulous and thorough. We take notes of our work, prepare a report that explains our ideas, and, most importantly, offer suggestions regarding areas that can be enhanced.


What were you able to do well? We will reveal. This is more than just a simple exercise to make you feel great. Understanding your strengths will allow you to focus your energy on areas that need more focus and also to benefit from your achievements.


This is where we outline everything. To make your work more effective, it's important to determine those areas that require concentration. This is particularly important when you edit your work and also when you are deciding on the capabilities you should concentrate on learning as you progress to the next stage of your career.


We do not simply provide a list of the things we have struggled with. As markers, we pinpoint problems and offer suggestions on how they can be improved to improve your essay. This goes beyond the weak points section, but it is precise and, as we mentioned, actionable. We will order this based on the value.

Changes with the greatest impact come first, followed by the smallest changes. This means that you can go across the entire list starting from the top, and even if, for whatever reason, you cannot complete all modifications by the time you hand in the paperwork, then you will have to know that your weaknesses were transformed into strengths.


In addition to an overall rating, a part of our marking process includes evaluating various work elements. The five major areas discussed above are assigned an overall score (from 1–5; from extremely poor to outstanding) to tell you what you think about them.

We also evaluate your strengths in other areas like creativity, originality, reading ability, and the ability to think independently. Your skills in these areas can usually tell the difference between good (B) work and great (A) work.

Your overall score is an indication. We use the same criteria as universities, so you'll know what you're doing. An outstanding essay will show an insightful and precise analysis of the relevant content, clear and well-substantiated arguments, independent thinking, flawless presentation, organization, and language. The top essays exhibit a level of originality and creativity that exceeds expectations.


The summary of our report is the main message: a brief summary of what your work was considered by a discerning reader.


Although there is plenty of specificity and formality when we work to evaluate an essay, we are trying to offer you helpful advice regarding how you can improve the standard of your essay. In the end, our marking service can help you get the grades you need, no matter what your current level of skill is or what you are studying.