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Essay Mills and Ghostwriters



Academics from throughout the United Kingdom are raising the alarm: professional custom writing firms are jeopardising the very foundations of higher education.  Students from higher education and elite institutions purchase academic papers online in order to pass their classes while gaining little or no knowledge in the process. Educators conjure up nasty ideas of lawyer’s barristers and solicitors who have credentials but lack the necessary understanding.

The university set essay to test a student’s ability. I help students build a portfolio of law essay answers that they can rely on in exams. I give my students an essay to write in simple steps, this helps build writing and reading skills and all form part of a larger jigsaw which is law. I regularly do practice questions with my law students as a law tutor and give them regular feedback. It is by writing essays that your skills are developed.

On-demand academic services are becoming more popular, according to studies and polls. Custom writing businesses that are among the top in the business have monthly revenue of several million pounds and never run out of consumers. Customer reviews of custom writing support essay websites of all shapes and sizes may be found all over the Internet, both real and fake.

Is it, however, as horrible as educators claim it to be? After all, cheating in different forms has always been, continues to be, and will undoubtedly continue to be an integral part of the learning process. Perhaps universities overstate their case because they are deeply troubled by their own feelings of guilt as a result of the "digital shift"?


Custom writing services have been in existence for more than two decades, despite the fact that they have only just come to public attention. For example, oxbridge essays, originally established as a tutoring service, it has now evolved into a full academic writing assistance company. For a fair charge, a struggling student may now engage ghost paper writers to do nearly any form of work for him or herself. They claim to have professionals that can offer any kind of assignment, whether it an essay or a research paper, a term paper or coursework, a case study or a thesis.

Initially, educational institutions did not believe this tendency to be particularly worrisome, and some even attempted to downplay its importance. However, it drew the attention of the media at the time. After many high-profile investigations in the media, the academic community was forced to acknowledge that the problem of students purchasing papers from a custom paper writing service warranted more analysis and action on their part. As a consequence, certain measures were put in place to demonstrate the university's dedication to academic honesty. Universities and institutions throughout the nation began implementing widespread use of plagiarism detection tools (such as Turnitin), establishing academic integrity, and toughening sanctions for misconduct for students who were found to have plagiarised.

Despite this, the predator had already made its way into the woods. The bulk of essay writing organisations were able to stay viable thanks to aggressive web marketing and word of mouth. Furthermore, they have begun to broaden their scope and put new techniques into action. Oxbridge Essay writing service, for example, is a writing service that specialises in academic writing. The business advertises itself as a resource of free example essays and research papers. In addition to offering a large collection of model works in many forms and sizes, it also offers several dozens of free writing support tools to entice people in (for instance, title and citation generators, plagiarism and grammar checker, multiple converters, counters, and calculators). A full-fledged essay-writing website, along with a custom dissertation writing service, may be found behind this upright façade.

In today's world, any student with sufficient financial resources may hire a professional ghostwriter or a university Masters or PhD educated subject expert without difficulty. But what is it about university students that make them willing to put their reputations on the line and spend hundreds of dollars on custom papers?


Let's take a quick look at the most obvious reasons why students attempt to make the most of on-demand writing services.

  • First and foremost, there is a shortage of time for students to complete all of their work on their own. To deal with this, students must prioritise which assignments they will finish on their own and which they will outsource to a custom assignment writing service.

  • High levels of performance pressure are being applied by family members, prospective employers, and society the legal profession as a whole. Students often get the impression that they must handle everything, from essays and problem solving to extracurricular activities, in a timely and flawless manner.

  • On the other hand, the fear of failing is a legitimate concern. Students often spend exorbitant amounts of money to attend university or their institution. The option to spend a few extra hundred pounds merely to prevent failing the course is a simple one for many people.

  • These are the most obvious and important reasons why on-demand custom academic paper writing is so popular with university students. However, according to industry experts, there is a far deeper incentive at work, which is often overlooked by students and missed (or ignored?) by lecturers.


Today, the academic community in the United Kingdom is putting in an all-out effort to combat custom essay writing services, with particular emphasis on improving plagiarism detection technologies and instilling fear in students about the legal ramifications of purchasing papers. There are currently Bills in Parliament to stop Essay Mills and make it illegal to sell custom essays. In order to distinguish between copied text and differences in each individual student's writing style, the former technique must go much farther than it has so far. Due to the rise in paraphrasing tools and plagiarism checkers a student can rewrite any answers they have brought. These tools safeguard the work is original and prevent the possibility of misconduct.

Here's a controversial point of view on the subject. Even the greatest student will be tempted to use a essay writing service, if they are studying the course by distant learning and studying topics on their own then they are not wholly to blame in this situation. It is a free market in which supply and demand are mutually exclusive. Nonetheless, students should not be singled out for criticism since many of them are just underprepared for university by their secondary schools, especially state schools.

Former university lecturer, PhD holder and academic ghostwriter points out that the great majority of clients he ever had were desperate students who "thought they had no other alternative" than to hire him. According to his figures, around 80 percent of his customers were not searching for a cheating opportunity, but rather for legitimate writing assistance. Because they just did not have the skill to know how to do things the proper way and build a high-quality work in the first place, they ended themselves in this situation: "If this individual attempted, they would be unable to write the paper".

What is the most important thing to take away from this? Students are being let down by their state schools, which are failing to prepare them for college-level writing. The ghostwriter does not provide a feasible solution to the problem, but it is undeniably true that if the academic community want to increase the effectiveness of anti-cheating procedures, it must first examine the way students are taught to write in school. Otherwise, professors would engage in witch-hunting against students who are only attempting to equal the playing field despite the dangers.


It has already been established that schools and institutions are continually improving their technology to identify ghostwriting. Today, they are shifting their focus away from just detecting plagiarism and toward identifying writing quirks. This permits the article's authorship to be called into doubt if there are major differences between the study and previous papers written by that student. Consequently, there are still a number of hazards that students must bear when they choose to purchase an essay or assignment online. If you are detected, you may face suspension or even expulsion from your educational institution, depending on the regulations of the university's code of misconduct. 

This, however, is quite uncommon to occur since reputable custom essay writing organisations produce completely unique work and maintain the security of their clients' information. For example, the websites which were mentioned previously, merely demand a valid email address to return the work. Of course, in order to place an order and make a payment, you will need to give extra information. Even in this instance, however, there is no risk of your name being revealed since these services GDPR hat eliminates the danger of abuse and data leaking.

Other hazards include the bad quality of the articles and/or the use of plagiarism. When it comes to the former, it's important to look at the service's web reputation and client reviews. The latter may be dealt with by ordering a full-fledged plagiarism report, which will be delivered together with the final work for an extra cost. If you want, you may use one of the well-established commercial plagiarism checks and pay a few pounds to have the received piece run through it. The use of this precaution is strongly suggested when purchasing from a lesser-known online retailer for the first time. Renowned writing firms do not take any chances with their reputation; instead, they conduct default plagiarism checks and ensure the originality of their works.


Once in a while, the essay writing business causes a stir in the United Kingdom's mainstream media. Take, for example, recent story in The Independent which carried the title 45000 Students Cheating at Britain's Universities with pleasure. 

In recent years, the media and the general people in the United Kingdom have acquired a critical attitude toward the educational system. The media and the average person tend to think that the educational system is on its way to hell in a handcart: standards are tumbling, credentials are useless, and educational achievements are low in contrast to other nations, according to the media. 

This is a typically British way of looking at things. The reality of the matter is that the British educational system is renowned across the globe. Students compete for scholarships and general admission spots at our premier institutions of higher learning, and we export our public examination system to countries all over the globe. Students in Singapore study for Cambridge 'O' Levels which are equivalent to British GCSEs. 

As a result, the media must write about something, and the subject of "falling standards" is to the mass media what a talk about the weather is to a group of gossiping neighbours. It's a classic that never goes out of style. Essay writing businesses and the habit of purchasing essays are not causing the abolition of academic civilisation, as some believe. 

However, not everyone has the financial means to purchase an essay. The issue of equality is another aspect that the media likes to take on when it comes to educational issues. An example of a well-worn cliché might be as follows: Everyone should have the same opportunity to pursue their academic goals, regardless of their background. The state education system, as well as the implementation of a standards-based approach to teaching and learning, is in place to guarantee that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed. In order to be ethically reprehensible, anything that 'queers the pitch' must be avoided. 

I have not been able to determine where this style of thinking came from. I believe it first came to the fore during the New Labour era, although it may have existed for much longer than that. As a result, private schools are permitted since they follow the same curriculum as public schools, and so, in principle, the only difference between an education received at a British Public School and a state school is that it costs a lot more money to sit in a much better surroundings. It is just a question of personal preference (which government and media alike tell us is a Good Thing). It is only when it goes any farther than that that the media becomes uncomfortable. 

But it goes even further: students from families who can afford not only to send their children to a top-notch private school but also to send them off for summer school, send them to prep schools, and hire private tutors to assist them throughout the school year will invariably outperform those from less affluent families in academics. 

Economic disparity, on the other hand, is neither ethically wrong nor practically preventable. Not everyone has the financial means to purchase a Ferrari, or to provide their daughter with a pony, or to have a yacht anchored on the south coast, or... the list goes on and on. Fact is, a substantial section of the population is quite content with a 'one size fits all' education system. The marketplace, on the other hand, has always provided a variety of possibilities for individuals looking for something better for themselves or their children. 

Aiming squarely at people with high standards, purchasing excellent essays from a reputable essay writing business created by experienced academic writers with flawless credentials is an unapologetically directed at those with high expectations. Just as sending a student to a private tutor does not guarantee that the student will get good results without doing any work, purchasing a sample essay is just the beginning of the journey. That essay has to be carefully read and analysed in detail. What method does the author use to tackle the question? What is their approach to the essay form? How do they present the key points of contention and the conclusion? What method do they use to synthesise the arguments of others? All of these are talents that aspiring essay writers should develop, and the best way to do so is to observe and learn from a master. 

So, should you spend your money on a university essay? If you plan on enrolling in a university course that needs you to write essays, you should get familiar with effective essay-writing techniques before starting. To get things started, I cannot think of a better method than to spend some time looking at a sample essay. In reality, the issue is: 'Can you afford not to purchase a university essay?' 


In the end, it all boils down to the ethical considerations of conversing with custom paper writers. For whatever reason, this strategy may be unsatisfactory to you. In that case, you may always resort to utilising free examples as writing models or attempting to negotiate the deadline with your professor. The option to hire someone to create your paper tailored particularly to your exact specifications is entirely yours; nevertheless, you must accept full responsibility for making that decision. Yes, this is not entirely in accordance with the ideals of academic honesty from an ethical standpoint. After all, did not schools violate this unwritten understanding when they failed to adequately prepare students for the reality of university life and writing in the first place?

Final Remarks

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