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Configuring Your Social Media Setting Up Your Social Media Getting A Fresh Professional Start To Law School

Start Fresh

You do not want to be in trouble for something you said on social media 10 years ago. Guys remove all of those topless gym pictures and girls all of those pointless duckface selfies. You are now leaving Love Island and coming to law school. A person's social media profile is an extension of self. Therefore, it is essential to examine your social media accounts before beginning the law program or becoming an solicitor or barrister. In this article we are going to discuss how you should portray yourself on social media if you are a lawyer. Here are some helpful tips and suggestions to bring your social media up to date:


If you recall the time your parents purchased the first desktop computer. You listened to dial-up for internet connectivity. But, the current Generation Z, also known as "Generation Z" (not to be confused with Generation Y/Millennials), has never lived in an age without technology, internet access, or smartphones. Along with these everyday technological gadgets are instant communications as well as social media. There are many wonderful benefits of the use of social networks, and you also need to be aware of what your profile online is like.


I am not sure if you are aware of this (and If you are beginning your journey to becoming a lawyer, Do not be worried!). However, to be admitted for admission to the bar, every candidate must pass a rigorous background screening. However, I am not solely talking about your criminal history. This is known as “the "Character and Fitness Test," which lets a panel of lawyers (benchers) determine whether or not you are competent enough to become an barrister. The majority of people pass this test without issue. However, it is imperative to keep an eye on your profile on the internet to ensure that you do not post any thing that will allow you to be perceived in a bad light.


Even though it is a pain for the people, they judge others constantly. Social media is no different. People perceive you in a certain way because of how your profile appears. The perceptions you receive can change the person people think you are about the regularity of your posts and the extent to which they are familiar with who you are. Consider someone who goes to the bar or club every week. While they might be a bartender at the pub or be very serious and dedicated, they might be seen as a party-goer student who does not care about their success. So, you must be cautious about posting something that seems innocent. It can be a life-changing event based on the perceptions of others.

Occasionally, your friends and family members can be a source of stress

Let's imagine a scenario. You have attempted to maintain my professional online presence (social media). You try not to share inappropriate content. However, you have experienced family members and friends who occasionally post content on your wall or include you in the post (in which you did not want to be included). They are usually harmless, but you might occasionally been a spectator in more violent posts. Some of you could go through serious trouble if someone posted something on your Facebook wall that is inappropriate or differs from their political view. Some companies or people who want to hire you will go through your social media. If they do not like something, then they will reject you or will not hire you.

Think about it before you post

With your family and friends, you may sometimes publish unprofessional posts. Of course, there is an element of reasonableness to your profile. It is a "social" website, and everything you share does not need to be business-related (as long as it is not a profile for a business). However, it is important to consider what you are posting before posting it. This will help you avoid the majority of inappropriate posts. It is easy to do when you click submit or enter.

WHAT to do?

Even if you are evaluating your posts, it does not mean that you should restrict yourself to boring, informative postings. You are free to (and should) update your followers on your work, personal life thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Since you would not be who you are without any of these things. But, you must be careful of the content you publish. It is all about filtering. Consider this: you do not wish to make a swearing gesture before the judge while you are arguing for clients. The client is less likely to employ them if they believe they are suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction. The best method to avoid this is to consider your motives before publishing and ask your relatives and friends to be cautious about what they write on your profile, then revisit and review it. You can also modify the privacy settings and information when you are worried.


It does not matter if you are going to your law school shortly, getting ready to take the bar, or need to look more professional. It is possible to begin by setting the stage and revising your social media profiles. It's not that difficult to create a professional and personal profile at the same time. Do not worry about every posting you make.


Thanks for reading this article I hope it casts some light on what you have to do. I am a law tutor providing law students assistance with law essays, law exams, time management, course selection, or anything else. Send me an email if you need help with studying law. I will answer as quickly as I can. I am also a law tutor who offers video call lessons. I can help with most topics.